
About us

Welcome to our platform!
I’m a developer with a knack for problem-solving, and I’ve been dabbling in the stock market for quite some time now. Over the years, I’ve tried out different methods like looking at a company’s basics, finding undervalued stocks, and even following stock tips from TV shows, paid services, and YouTube.
Now, I’m excited to share something new with you: momentum stocks. It’s all about spotting stocks that are on the move, based on some rules I’ve picked up from books and online resources. Let’s see if this momentum strategy still holds up today!
Join me on this adventure as we explore the world of momentum trading. Together, we’ll hunt for opportunities, track trends, and aim for success in the stock market.



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Simple strategy made difference.





5 Stocks

15 stocks




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Mission & Vision

To share momentum studies and strategies to reduce stress to handle most difficult question related to:
What to buy?
When to buy?
How much to buy?
and When to sell ?

Our objective is to resolve above problem in a simple way without introducing too many complexities.